The claim:

Stephanie Zvan says "I have also since heard from a sixth person, who was subject to his advances after taking actions that should have made it crystal clear to him that she was not interested." Which incident occurred at their residence in California (Defendants' Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction 12-01-16, Exhibit 6, Declaration of Stephanie Zvan, Par. 17(f); with Defense Documents, Bates No. 251). No other details have been reported.

What actually happened:

I stayed at C's residence years ago when I was in an open relationship, to speak at an event the next day in her town. C asked me questions about open relationships for hours and expressed interest in starting one herself.

That evening I simply asked if she wanted to sleep with me (in just as many words). She said no. I said that's cool. I never revisited the issue. There are aspects of the circumstances I may have paid more attention to. But there was nothing pressuring about it. Just an ask. And mutual respect.

I had no idea any of that made her uncomfortable; she never communicated anything negative to me at any point, then or even the whole of the next day. But once I learned it had, I apologized to her personally. I'm more cautious now about subtly ascertaining the possibility of interest before simply asking. Though indeed all that occurred between us is that I politely asked, she said no, and I fully respected the answer. No policy governed this interaction. And I pushed no stated boundary with her; I respected everything she said.

Why is this being claimed an accusation of sexual harassment or persisting after being told to stop? I don't know.