Is Jesus Wholly or Only Partly a Myth? The Carrier-MacDonald Exchange

Last year Dennis MacDonald and I had a moderated conversation on the PineCreek channel regarding the plausibility of Jesus never really being a person in history. MacDonald is famous for proposing the Gospels construct myths about Jesus partly from Homeric and other...

Did Jesus Exist? Craig Evans’ Post-Debate Analysis

I debated the historicity of Jesus with the renowned Christian scholar Craig Evans back in 2016, and later analyzed that debate. But I didn’t notice Evans’ own post-debate analysis in the Christian Research Journal, nor its republication online years later...

The Carrier-Marshall Debate: Index

Christian historian Dr. Wallace Marshall and I have engaged a debate on whether or not enough evidence points to the existence of a god. Background and format are explained with Dr. Wallace’s opening statement. For convenience all entries in the debate will be...

Resurrection: Faith or Fact? My Bonus Reply

I contributed a chapter to a great new book that was just released, a book I dare say is required reading for anyone who wants to be up-to-date on the “Did Jesus rise from the dead?” debate. It pits atheist professor Carl Stecher against Christian...

Help Me Recruit a Theist with a Ph.D. for a Formal Online Debate

I wish to generate a new debate on the existence of God, one that follows the same novel procedure as my recent debate with Jonathan Sheffield. You can follow how that debate operated here. I want this debate to be with a well-qualified defender of theism, who has a...

The Carrier-McDurmon Debate: Which Worldview Produces the Better World?

Joel McDurmon is an odd fellow. Founder of American Vision, he is simultaneously an old school arch-conservative who thinks all taxation is theft and public schools must be abolished, and a passionate, well-reasoned advocate for liberal talking points like that the...

Debate in Houston This November!

I’ll be debating Which Worldview Produces the Best World? in Houston, Texas, on 10 November 2018. The theme: Does atheistic Naturalism or biblical Christianity offer true help for the world? I’ll be defending naturalism; Dr. Joel McDurmon will be defending...

Free Ticket Contest for MythCon 2018!

Want to get into MythCon for free, both the event and afterparty? The theme this year is multiple-sides, honest dialogue. So here’s what gets you in: produce a blog, vlog, or podcast that (a) examines any secular disagreement in politics, culture, or society,...